Proper meals and snacks
Proper meals and snacks
The key words are:
★ have 3 meals a day
★ snack in between meal times
Adopting the tips mentioned above into your lifestyle is crucial in giving yourself enough energy to stay active. You are recommended to add MCT to your diet as a supplement, as it directly provides energy to the liver. This is important for citrin deficiency patients as they have energy deficiency in the liver. MCT has also been reported to be effective for citrin deficiency patients during the compensatory phase.
You may think you are eating adequately and receiving enough energy from food because you eat a lot of fatty food but with citrin deficiency, your body does not store as much energy and you may have a shortfall of energy. Coupled with a longer break between meals, you may feel dizzy, sleepy, or find that you are unable to concentrate.
Having 3 meals and snacks in between meals help to secure enough food and energy intake, and shortens the break between meals. This will allow you to be healthier while in school.
If your school requires more information, please inform your parents to print the leaflet we provided and submit it to the school.

Diet balance

Diet balance
You probably already know that consuming a large amount of carbohydrates at once will make you feel sick.
This is because one of your genes called SLC25A13 does not make a protein called ‘citrin’. The lack of this protein stops the work that citrin is really supposed to carry out, and this makes it difficult to produce energy from carbohydrates (click here for more details).
Eat food that you feel gives you a good balance at every meal as well as snacks. Eating right reduces the risk of consuming excessive carbohydrates and leads you to better wellness in life.

Physical activities

Physical activities
The more you eat, the more energy and endurance you get for your physical activities. There are young patients who are in sports clubs and teams and we also know of a patient who is trying to be a professional athlete too.
The important thing to remember here is that eating 3 meals daily and supplementing your meals with snacks. You are also recommended to add MCT into your diet everyday as a supplement, as it directly provides energy to the liver. This is important for citrin deficiency patients as they have energy deficiency in the liver. MCT has also been reported to be effective for citrin deficiency patients during the compensatory phase.
If you are planning to engage in more physical activities, gradually start to eat more food.

Informing others

Informing others
There may be times when your friends wonder about your condition or why you eat a little differently.
There are many ways to talk about it with them and you should use the method you are most comfortable with to communicate with them.
For example, you could start with food that you do not like, then explain how it is hard for your body to accept it because this protein called citrin does not do the job. You could also mention that it is not as rare to be under the condition, and you are as healthy as you are now. Or you could introduce our website or the leaflet for school which also explains the condition.
If you ever need someone to talk to, your family, your doctor, your dietitian, and our Foundation are all here for you.

Periodical doctor visits
Periodical doctor visits
Please visit your doctor at least once a year even when you feel that you are doing fine. During your visits, make sure you tell your doctor if you have had stomachaches, felt tired, dizzy, or experienced any other discomforts after the last check-up. Talk to a dietitian if one is available.


Underage drinking being prohibited aside, please take note that there is a high risk of abnormal behavior, encephalopathy, or even life-threatening consequences if you drink alcohol. Please stay away from alcohol. For more information on peer pressure and alcohol consumption, please read more here.
Please contact us here if you ever need anything. We are always here to help.