[Recipes from our members/patients]

  • 50 g chicken thigh
  • A pinch of salt
  • A dash of vegetable oil


  1. Make a few cuts on the inside of the chicken thigh, wipe off excess water, and season with salt.
  2. In a pan heated with vegetable oil, grill the chicken skin first, and turn over when golden brown.
  3. Grill the inside as well and cook until cooked thoroughly.

Brown the chicken skin to a golden brown.


  • Grill the chicken thighs after making cuts to prevent them from shrinking and to cook them faster.
  • Grill the chicken skin thoroughly for a more delicious dish.
  • You can make in excess and freeze for stock. (Approximate stock period: 1 month)
  • 【Comments from dietitian】

    Amount per serving:Energy 125 kcal
    PFC ratio= 27:69: 4

    • Enjoy it with other side dishes and staple foods.
    • We also recommend sprinkling black and white sesame seeds on chicken thighs before sautéing. Adding 5 g of sesame seeds gives ➔ Energy= 154 kcal PFC ratio = 24:71:5.