【6 muffin cups (4 cm diameter x 3.5 cm height】

  • 2 Medium bananas – 150 g + a slice for decoration
  • 1 Egg
  • Maple Syrup 15 g
  • Coconut Oil 30 g
  • Soy Flour 50 g
  • Almond Powder 50g
  • Baking Powder 3 g


  1. Peel and mash bananas with a fork. Cut the bananas into slices about 5 mm thick for garnish according to preference.
  2. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, maple syrup, and coconut oil all together until the mixture turns white. Add the soy milk and mix further.
  3. Add the shaken flour mixture to the bowl in step 2 and mix with a rubber spatula.
  4. Add the mashed bananas and mix further to complete the batter.
  5. Place batter in muffin cups and place the banana on top for decoration.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for about 25 minutes. If the batter does not stick to a bamboo skewer, remove from heat by placing on a mesh.

Key Point

Substitute soy flour and almond powder instead of normal flour. For oil, use coconut oil, which is easily metabolized for energy. *You can also use sugar instead of maple syrup and salad oil or rice oil instead of coconut oil.

【Comment from Dietitian】

Energy = 175 kcal

PFC ratio = 15:60:25

  • Adjust the amount of banana according to your health condition.
  • MCT oil can be used instead of coconut oil but be sure to knead it well into the dough and bake at 160-170 degrees Celcius.
  • You can also use “cream cheese” for half of the bananas. If you substitute half of the bananas for cream cheese and 15 g (6 bananas) of MCT oil for the coconut oil, the energy = 184 kcal and PFC ratio = 16:65:19.